Wednesday, May 13, 2009
tumble, tumble, tumble
but I love the layout so much more.
Sunday, May 10, 2009
no one knows; will they ever know?
I will always feel like a failure.
If there weren't so many people that I cared about, and that cared about me, I would have no problem ending my life. There are so many negative connotations of death, but I honestly believe there is something bigger and better after you die. I don't know what it is, but I want to find out.
I don't know about destiny, but I believe in fate.
Let me live in the stars and eat chocolate strawberry waffles all the time. That is my dream. But I will miss the little things.
Saturday, May 9, 2009
you said that i will be okay
I hope Mitzi is in a wonderful place with endless amounts of Kongs and her hip problems and tumors are all gone, and she is running around and smiling her little heart out. I hope Hunter is there, and if he is, I hope they reunited and are having as much fun as they always had together.
Hollywood, here I come. Tonight should be an adventure!

Thursday, May 7, 2009
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
you were the sun
Went to my first baseball game tonight. 2nd row box seats. LA Dodgers vs. AZ Diamondbacks. Had two Dodger dogs, screamed, jumped, and danced a lot. Picked a favorite because Tiffany and Avalon told me to. Picked Loney. After the 8th inning, helper guy told us that after Loney and some guy from the other team were done throwing the ball, Loney was gonna throw it in our direction so to jump and yell his name a lot. Did as he said. Loney looked right at me and threw it towards me/us. Went the row behind us. Tiffany's dad was sitting there (by then we had moved over and up a row) and it bounced off his hand, hit Tiffany's head, fell on the floor, and I picked it up and started jumping and screaming. I got on the screen! Made my entire night. Amazing amazing amazing. I just need an autograph now. Next time, huh? :)

I love you, Mitzi. I miss your whine, babygirl.
Monday, May 4, 2009
there's no address in the stars
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Saturday, May 2, 2009
time is standing still
-Pisces Daily Extended Horoscope from Yahoo
Friday, May 1, 2009
everything means nothing

R.I.P. Mitzi
(November 9th, 1997 - May 1st, 2009)
I don't even know what to say yet. I missed you before you were gone. I haven't cried this much and that hardly in a very long time. I love you so much. I wish I didn't have to say goodbye.
Thursday, April 30, 2009
let's get rich and give everybody nice sweaters
I have a problem with cravings. Like, is it possible to be a cravaholic? I am almost always craving something or other!
a lifetime of love in a matter of seconds
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
the truth is hiding in your eyes
My ipod is being stupid.
I am craving a peach arizona.
Tiffany is coming to pick me up in like ten minutes.
I wish it was Juuuuune.
(license, possibly a car, chspe, EDC, summer!)
Btw, I hate when people say btw like"b-t-w." It's by the way.
Talk like a human being or get the hell away from me.
I wish I was an alien.
Catdog was probably an alien.
Monday, April 27, 2009
don't you say you're leaving
got it going on and i just can't believe it
this feeling it just keeps getting stronger
I miss him, but don't think I don't miss you, too. Because I really do, and I'm sure my feelings are still there...but I told you that I didn't want to hurt you. I am ready to open up to you about a lot of things, and I want to tell you the story about him and me. Are you ready to hear it? I hope so. It will explain a lot to you probably and maybe you'll understand better why I did what I did. You are one of the sweetest guys I've ever met. I mean that with my whole heart. It's just really complicated. Everything is so fucking complicated. FML.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
i need a little more, i think
what's enough?
It is so easy to just sit here.
To think, and sit, and think, and sit.
Staring at the ceiling and I feel dead alone.
Lost, but I know where I belong.
What is the problem?
Is there a problem?
Define problem.
Life is always about defining, and learning,
and winning, and losing, and living, and dying.
What's the point?
What's enough? like the song says.
I want to find the answers.
But I don't even know what the questions are.
"If I had a world of my own, everything would be nonsense. Nothing
would be what it is, because everything would be what it isn't. And
contrary wise, what is, it wouldn't be. And what it wouldn't be, it would.
You see? It would be so nice if something made sense for a change."
- Alice In Wonderland
If life is the question, what is the answer?
Monday, April 20, 2009
now it's time to show who i wanna be
you try to take the best of me
you held me down
watched me down on my knees
but you know i get through
so right now what's next
what is to do
feel the love
feel the love that's lost
and lay the blame on you
i better find another love
that is really true
I had such an incredible weekend. Definitely one of the most amazing ones I've ever had, and it for sure included the best night of my life. I have never had so much fun!
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
and though you're out of sight,
I have lived in Simi my entire life, and so that is mostly why I want to get away. But I am pretty sure I'll probably come back here in the future and raise my kids here. It's a nice place to grow up. Although when you're a teenager, you will probably get into trouble. Most of them do, here. It's only because there is nothing better to do. But just because people do stupid things and have bad family life environments, doesn't make them a bad person. If I moved to go live in a neighborhood where almost every family was "perfect" and all the kids were good because they never knew anything else, I'm sure eventually a "bad" family would move to said neighborhood, and the "good" children would get a glimpse of that family's "bad"children, and they would feel extremely superior. Now, I don't know about you, but I don't want my kids thinking they are better than anyone else just because their family life isn't screwed up and they don't make stupid choices like many people do. I think that's why, in the end, I will come back to Simi and raise my children here. I've met some amazing people, despite their choices and their family lives. They are real. That is what I want my kids to know. I want them to know people who are real, and who have experienced things and can teach them about life. After all, life is just a bunch of lessons. Until we learn them all, we won't find the bigger picture.
Saturday, April 11, 2009
life of the lifeless
Thursday, April 9, 2009
we have no conscience
I want to run away and grow up and live in an apartment all alone. Alone and afraid, of everything and nothing. I won't even have a pet to keep me company, because I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to take good enough care of it, since I obviously don't even know how to take care of myself.
Can I be honest? I don't want to be your friend anymore.
Can I be honest? That fear of commitment is hitting me again, and taking up all the space in my head. It is the only thing I can think about. Run, run, just run away. It's what you know best, Janae.
Can I be honest? I feel like I am too different to fit in with anyone. Even when I feel like someone understands, I am proven wrong yet again. No one understands me. I wonder if anyone ever will.
Now is one of those times where, in a heartbeat, I would go back in time if I could. I would change everything. I don't like being lost anymore. I'm so lost that I don't know where I belong.
so go on, and tear me apart
Even as I feel like I'm getting stronger and stronger, something happens to make me feel weak again. What the fuck is wrong w/ me?
I feel hated and hated and hated.
I just want to be loved. Once and for all.
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
we can talk without the words
Now I have to change because my mommy and I are going to the grocery store.
Mashed potatoes tonight? I hope so!
my heavy soul can't stand the light
Fuck you for saying I didn't make you feel better.
Fuck you for saying that I didn't even make an effort.
I tried. Obviously that's worth nothing to you.
Monday, April 6, 2009
i think that possibly, maybe, i'm falling for you
Fuck that. I will be upset if I want to.
Saturday, April 4, 2009
so why don't we go somewhere only we know?
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
we wasted all our free time alone
I am here. I will always be here. I love you.
Sunday, March 29, 2009
there isn't anybody else exactly quite like me
I hope you're still kissing me in your mind, like you said you were last night. I'm still kissing you in mine.
"Tomorrow I'll miss you, remember I'll always be true"
Friday, March 27, 2009
you were out of my league
For some reason, when I go to bed normally, the area around my wisdom tooth and the actual tooth itself, hurt really badly in the morning. Like I was chewing on my cheek or grinding my teeth during the night, and that's why. But when I go to bed high, like last night, my teeth didn't hurt in the morning. Wtf? Maybe I'm just paranoid and it really has nothing to do with being high. But maybe it does, and I figured out something awesome! Hahaha. I don't know.
Working today and then tonight I am seeing Little Shop of Horrors with Avalon. Then tomorrow I am cleaning my bathroom and bedroom all day long and then going on a date :)
Thursday, March 26, 2009
i'm a troublemaker, never been a faker
I really like hanging out with you, and I hope we become better friends. But I feel like you don't trust me and so you don't really tell me very much about you or your life. I don't know. Maybe it's because we haven't really hung out that many times yet, but maybe you really don't trust me. I want you to know, though, that I am one of the most nonjudgmental and trustworthy people you will ever meet. I know it's hard to believe that right off the bat, but I hope you will learn it and believe it soon. You're just one of those people that I feel really comfortable around. Someone with whom I can be myself. You know?
M.J. is the love of my life. Seriously.
I cannot wait to have my license and a car. Life is going to be so free, even though I have so much work to do this summer and will probably have hardly any free time. Having a car is freedom enough.
Life is pretty decent right now. I am quite satisfied.
Maybe that's just the wings.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Making out at the tennis courts
It was cute and sweet. It was a nice first kiss. Not the most amazing thing ever. Definitely not a kiss you'd see in a movie. But it is a good memory and I don't regret any of it.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
i will stay the same
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Monday, March 16, 2009
i'm not a supermodel, i still eat mcdonald's
Today has been such a relaxing day. It really sucks that Sierra and Tiffany aren't in Daryl and I's class anymore. But even so, this has been a pretty nice Monday. Which is odd, because Mondays are known to be awful. Especially after a good weekend. Hm.
I can't wait for Spring! Five more days! I love my new dress. The office ladies complimented me on it. They are so kind to meee.
Friday, March 13, 2009
i am confident but i still have my moments
go on and keep giving up my nights just to deal with this shit.
I love you to death but it's obvious where your love lies.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
March horoscope from Michael Lutin
It seems I have more soul-searching to do this month. Alrighty!
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
when i'm with him, i am thinking of you
That's all I really wanted to say for now. I am really tired, so I'm headed off to my sweet, sweet bed. Mmmmm, sleep.
Monday, March 9, 2009
i guess this is growing up
The partying lifestyle is great every once in a while, but I need to focus on the important stuff right now. I can't risk my future anymore. I have too many goals that I want to accomplish.
Saturday, March 7, 2009
i'm so far gone now
Shopping with Serina, getting my eyebrows waxed, not sure what I'm doing after that, and then hanging out with Grayson for a few hours while the adults play Texas Hold 'Em.
Drunken Apples to Apples is the best fucking game ever. Girls night was so much fun :) I love my friends a whole lot.
Homesick in Arizona.
I missed my bed, I missed my friends, and mostly I just missed Simi.
I am always complaining about how much it sucks here, and how I can't wait to get away, but I am so afraid to leave. It's comfortable and I know my way around. It's all I know. It's home.
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
give me one reason to stay here
live, love, die
R.I.P. Ant. You were a cool guy.
mistakes become regrets
I like you. I thought you liked me. I guess we'll see what happens. You're a great guy, but you confuse me to no end. Is that a good thing or a bad thing? It feels like a bad one, but I could be wrong.
I'm wrong quite often.

What is love, anyway?
Monday, March 2, 2009
i'll never be the same, i'll tell you for sure
Pizzatopia, wearing your coat, Mud Man's house, Denjin arcade, when you first put your arm around me, falling asleep next to you, free ice cream, making that face at you, your laugh, your smile, the way you rocked out to your music in your car, listening to Circa Survive and just holding each other, keeping you out way past curfew, when you mouthed the words along with the song "Ecstasy" and sang it to me.
"You really are my ecstasy,
My real life fantasy"
How are those feelings mutual for a month,
and then just disappear for you and not me?
That isn't fair.
I don't want to feel this way anymore.
Go away.
Leave me alone.
I want to be done.
i've never seen you fall so hard
But I am who I am.

"At the bottom of the pile
buried, and missing a cover
there is a book.
It isn’t a popular book
and the author’s name
you’d never know.
But it is truly a work of art
written just for you.
Inside, somewhere near the middle pages,
there is a sentence
that best describes your life
and answers all the questions you’ve ever had.
Pure poetry.
It’s remarkable.
You’d agree.
you’ll never read it
because it is getting late
and you have work in the morning
and you are already thinking about
how to beat traffic."
-Dallas Clayton
Sunday, March 1, 2009
i wanna be forgotten
1. I have so many great memories, but the feelings attached to them are some of the worst feelings I've ever felt. It is impossible not to be reminded of you. The littlest things spark a thought in my mind, an old memory, one good day among many amazing ones. All I can think about anymore is how much I wish I could go back, and how I will never be able to. Things leave, people leave, and life doesn't stop for anybody. I will never forget you, but I need to forever let you go. I am trying with every inch of strength I have, but it's hard. One of the toughest things I've ever tried to do, and had to do.
2. I was so unsure of everything earlier today, and seeing you just now cleared so many of my cloudy thoughts from the sky that is my mind. Maybe I still don't know exactly what I want, but I at least know are amazing. Don't ever forget that, babe.
3. You are a truly great guy. I may not know you as well as your family and friends do, but I can see it in you. You are an all around great person. I adore you, I really do.....but the thing is, there are too many cons with our situation. And you deserve a talented, beautiful (on the inside and out), kind virgin. It's the truth.
4. I know that you originally didn't really want me to go today, but I hope we are friends. We are in my opinion, but I don't know about yours.
5. I wish you didn't like me so much. You're a great friend to me, but you don't deserve the pain that you already know is going to come. You will make some girl very happy one day.
P.S. Epiphany! The day you can say you have moved on, is the day you realize the reason behind something bad that happened to you. I hope whoever reads that understands it.
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Tonight - Dinner at my house with family, family friends, and a couple friends of my own. Chi Chi's Pizza for dinner and a cake from Baskin Robbins for dessert!
Tomorrow - DISNEYLAND. With Jessica, Jolena, Tiffany, and Avalon. Then Bj's for dinner. My FAVORITE restaurant. Free pizookie just for me! :)
Saturday - Possibly the beach with Keri and Serina...and others?
Saturday night - Show at the BGC! I get to see Jonny! :D
Sunday - I have no clue but I want to go on an adventure.
I am so excited. I hope this weekend turns out to be a blast, like I'm expecting it to be! I haven't been getting my hopes up about anything lately, besides this.
Seventeen. Finally.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
we're so different now
I want a new start in a new place with some new people.
Where I can become a new me.
But stay the same Janae that I am inside.
That sounds fucking amazing.
broken inside
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Learning to live is learning to let go.
"A powerful song
is one
that makes me remember
that never actually happened to me."
-Dallas Clayton
I had an alright day.
I wish it was my birthday already, though.
I am a tad stressed and a lot confused.
Sunday, February 22, 2009
who will be the one to save me from myself?
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
they don't know how long it takes
Maybe I was destined for bigger and better things.
Maybe I wasn't.
All I know, is that this is my life.
And the only way it is going to change, is if I change.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
i wanted you to stay here holding me
My Daily Singles horoscope for today from Yahoo, is very interesting. "Now's a great time to empower yourself. Life is a series of choices -- nothing more, nothing less. If you're not where you want to be as far as work or romance, it's time to make some changes. So put a lid on the blaming, rationalizing and minimizing already. It's about personal responsibility." It is very true, actually. Everything is about choices, and personal responsibility. And as far as romance, I am not where I want to be. So I am going to do just as my horoscope tells me, and make some changes. I have already started, really. I have just been going with the flow and doing what I want, but like it tells me, I need to stop blaming, rationalizing, and minimizing. I think and analyze everything way too much.
Thursday, February 12, 2009
so tell me darling, do you wish we'd fall in love?
you make it easier when life gets hard
Monday, February 9, 2009
take time to realize
but it's not taking me
and it seems so long ago
that I used to believe
and I'm so lost inside of my head
and crazy
but I can't get out of it
I'm just stumbling
And I'm juggling all the thoughts in my head
I'm juggling and my fear's on fire
but I'm listening as it evolves in my head
I'm balancing on one fine wire
And I remember the time my balance was fine
and I was just walking on one fine wire
I remember the time my balance was fine
and I was just walking on one fine wire
but It's frayed at both the ends
and I'm slow unraveling
Life plays so many games inside of me
and I've had some distant cries, following
and their entwined between the night and sun beams
I wish I were free from this pain in me
And I'm juggling all the thoughts in my head
I'm juggling and my fears on fire
but I'm listening as it evolves in my head
I'm balancing on one fine wire
And I remember the time my balance was fine
and I was just walking on one fine wire
I remember the time my balance was fine
and I was just walking on one fine wire
but it's frayed at both the ends
and I'm slow unraveling
And I'm juggling all the thoughts in my head
I'm juggling and my fears on fire
but I'm listening as it evolves in my head
I'm balancing on one fine wire....
The bold parts are how I feel.
"One Fine Wire" by Colbie Caillat, if you were wondering.
it's too late, they won't let go
Sunday, February 8, 2009
we're going down like sinking ships
I learn something new every day. Valuable to my life, or not. Today I learned that I can be a really great friend. I am putting this to use as of right now!
I'm trying. Day after day, I'm trying.
Thursday, February 5, 2009
the evenings are calm, but i'm restless
Labels ruin things. I miss Sarah, and I'm afraid I've lost her forever. He hasn't been texting me back.
What is love like? Maybe I don't want to know. I like being single. But I want to be someone's "one and only."
Ice water is so refreshing.
I want to write so much right now, but I have to go to bed. Waking up early tomorrow morning because of Job Shadow Day. How exciting! Not. Smoking weed before though, so that should make it so much better.
Sunday, February 1, 2009
you're taking over my mind
as heavy as those vests you have to wear
when they take your x ray at the dentist
only full of small flowers instead of lead
like a lavender potpourri,
but big enough to cover my entire bed
and me as well.
No reason for this.
No marketing plan.
Just think it would feel nice.
Like being hugged
by a giant friend."
-Dallas Clayton (
I really like this. It makes me feel comfortable and warm.
It is my cousin Daniel's birthday. Happy Birthday, Daniel!
He will probably not read that but it's okay, I guess.
Sometimes I feel like I am just continuing to dig myself into a deeper hole. Every second of every day, I sit and listen and I don't learn. I never learn. Why is that?
My mom has a new boyfriend. His name is Ted. He is cool.
My dad ordered my laptop. A Dell Studio 17. Jet black. I'm excited. But the ship date is February 16th. That is too far awaaaaay. Grrrr. I have patience problems.
I have a 3 page essay to write on The Jungle and I don't want to do it. I have to, and I will, but I really don't want to. Not looking forward to it at all. Ugh.
Friday, January 30, 2009
Thursday, January 29, 2009
i ain't the sharpest tool in the shed
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
2. You're a really nice guy, and I have fun when we hang out. But I am not ready to even start seeing someone, and I don't want to give you the wrong idea. I need to focus on myself right now. I don't like who I am as a person, let alone love, and I need to change that. I need me-time. I really am so sorry. On the possibly-one-day-bright-side, if it's meant to be, it will happen...eventually.
3. Your story doesn't match up with hers. I need you to tell me the truth. I need you to tell me which of you is lying. I don't care if it's you, I won't be mad. What happened with that whole saved me. I honestly don't know where I'd be if it hadn't happened. Far, far, much farther down this road, I'm sure. I need closure. I need to know the truth.
4. I need you. And you need me. We need each other. I wish you weren't grounded. There is so much I have to tell you...I don't even know where to start. Sorry I haven't been texting lately. I haven't really been texting too many people lately, so you're not the only one. Don't worry. I love you and I miss you and like I said, I need you. I am lost. I am still so lost.
5. I hope you don't look down upon me for what I did. I know you feel awkward about the whole situation, and so do I. But shit happens. I love you and I hope you still love me. We're family. And we always will be. Right?
6. I hate that you're back to ignoring me. I thought we were finally okay. Just because he's out, it's gonna start back up again? I know I tried to make amends with him, and I will continue to try, but why do you have to ignore me because of it? You even finally said you loved me again...
I might write more later...but I need to shower and eat breakfast.
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Kyle Dietz's mother and father are my two favorite people on the planet.
I don't know if it is all the alcohol I drank on Saturday night, or if I'm getting sick, but I've been having stomach issues the past two days. Pepto Bismol isn't helping and you're not supposed to use it for more than 2 days, so I don't know what to do. Sorry if that's too much information for your liking, but I am worried.
I have so much more to say, but no time to say it.
Gym, kindergartners, school work, and then home sweet home.
Friday, January 23, 2009
i won't leave this way again
"Your intense emotions are starting to mellow out quite a bit today, which should make your day a very easy one compared to recent weeks. Instead of getting worried that things aren't going to go the way you want them to go, you will be able to relax and accept things as they are. Clarity is now controlling your thought processes, not confusion. This means that you will be able to see every challenge as an opportunity, instead of a test you have to pass. Happiness is much easier to achieve."
what's next?
I'm sorry, but I cannot stand how fake you are towards me.
I'm sorry, but it really wasn't fucking fair and you know it.
Actually, I'm not sorry.

Today I wrote a poem. I think it's pretty lame, but here goes...
Maybe there's an answer,
Maybe there's a way,
Maybe he will stick around for just one more day.
Maybe I can sing,
Maybe I can dance,
Maybe he will decide to give it another chance.
Maybe we will find it,
Maybe we won't,
Maybe we already know...maybe we don't.
-Janae Lewis
Thursday, January 22, 2009
birthdays are not stupid
I look really cute and chic today. Hehe. I love my new coat!
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
On another note, I've started hanging out with a new guy. I'm not sure where it's going to go but he really likes me and I don't know where I stand in the whole thing quite yet.
Turns out, my dad has to work on Saturday. Which means I'm not going to his house this weekend. But that's okay, because my mom is going out of town! But Clinton is still being an asshole to me and I am sick of it. Why are boys so lame?
I need a man.
Monday, January 19, 2009
i'll drink to that, let's drink to that
I don't want to miss him, but I do. And now there's this great guy that seems very interested in me, and he's perfect on paper but I feel like he's too nice. Why is that always the case with them for me? Too nice means not good enough? In my head, I guess so. Clinton was the exception, and he's gone. I need to wake up and realize that. He is not going to come back to me.
I really worry about my Dad. I hope he's doing alright.
I forgot how much I love McFly.
I wish I had money so I could be more stylish. Speaking of money, I spent this week's lunch money on fucking pizza and breadsticks and soda at Bobbi's house on Saturday night. Greaaaaat. I guess I'll starve this week. Ugh.
Thursday, January 15, 2009
your heart has a lack of color
Only five more days till I can maybe get a laptop! Eeeee!
I want to meet some new people. Maybe a cute boy.
I just really feel a lot happier when I like someone.
It's a problem.
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
dads are cool
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
believe that i can change
This doesn't seem right, this doesn't seem right.
But it doesn't feel WRONG. Why not? It should...shouldn't it?
It's weird to think that I had finally found someone who made me happy. And it slipped out of my grasp, and he's making someone else happy now, I'm sure. It just sucks. I don't know how to move on. That is my biggest lesson in need of learning. How to move on. I have always "moved on" by finding someone new. But that isn't healthy! Because it is a never ending cycle of falling and getting hurt.
On another note, as happy as I am for Bobbi, I hardly ever get to see her anymore. When I do see her, it's always the three of us. We don't ever get alone time anymore. And I like alone time with Bobbi. I mean, she's my best friend. Of course I need to have some alone time with her, to update her on my life and shit. I don't know...I just hate being the third wheel. Don't mean to complain, but there I go again. Complaining.
All I find myself wanting to do lately is sleep my problems away. I'd rather dream about my problems than actually have to deal with them while I'm awake. When I am awake, all I wanna do is run away. Get away from this place and find peace within myself. Because I'm truly unhappy. And I don't know what to do about it. I don't know what to do about any of it.
Monday, January 12, 2009
there's gotta be more to life
I go up, I come down and I'm emptier inside
Tell me what is this thing that I feel like I'm missing
And why can't I let it go
There's gotta be more to life...
Than chasing down every temporary high to satisfy me
Cause the more that I'm...
Tripping out thinking there must be more to life
Well it's life, but I'm sure... there's gotta be more
Than wanting more
I've got the time and I'm wasting it slowly
Here in this moment I'm half way out the door
Onto the next thing, I'm searching for something that's missing
There's gotta be more to life...
Than chasing down every temporary high to satisfy me
Cause the more that I'm...
Tripping out thinking there must be more to life
Well it's life, but I'm sure... there's gotta be more
Than wanting more
I'm wanting more
I'm always waiting on something other than this
Why am I feelin' like there's something I missed.....
There's gotta be more to life...
Than chasing down every temporary high to satisfy me
Cause the more that I'm...
Tripping out thinking there must be more to life
Well it's life, but I'm sure... there's gotta be more
Than wanting more
There's gotta be more to life...
Than chasing down every temporary high to satisfy me
Cause the more that I'm...
Tripping out thinking there must be more to life
Well it's life, but I'm sure... there's gotta be more
Than wanting more
by Stacie Orrico
This song describes everything that is going on in my head.
And I was thinking if she could possibly be a Pisces like myself...
To my shocking surprise, she is.
Unbelievable. It's no wonder!
hello seatle, i am an albatross
Starting this week, I'm going to be working for my sister on Fridays from 11am-3pm. Some days I can work more or work less but that is my main schedule. Which means I'll be making $32 per week. But I need to save it up, so I can pay Tiffany back and so I can save up for my car.
I have a 3 page response paper, that I have not started on, due Wednesday. But I can't concentrate on it because I am depressed and stressed. I don't and won't show it, but I am. I know I am. I can feel it inside me. It's like I'm breathing invisible fire. I don't know what that means but it made sense in my head.
Sunday, January 11, 2009
is it any surprise that you feel so overrun?

I never imagined that the life of a hermit would even cross my mind.
I have always dreamed of traveling all over, meeting tons of new faces, and exploring different cultures. But this is a really fucked up world. And I don't know if I can face it on my own.
"I'm not looking for a hookup, I want someone who will be there for as long as they can."
"The only job I have is scooping ice cream so I think you'd fit right in."
"Kiss you back. Silly :)"
"It's different, I hardly know you, but I'm always so comfortable and warm when I'm with you. It's mesmerizing :)"
"I can think of a lot of places where I wanna kiss you ;)"
"Your stomach, your forehead, your hands, your sweet lips, and of course some butterfly kisses =)"
"I wanna hold you in my arms"
"You make me smile :) I can't stop thinking of your beautiful eyes and the way your hair smells when I hug you and how we hold each other in my freezing car at night!"
"He likes you I hope you know"
"He said you're a really chill chick"
"He said you're really cute too"
to THIS, in a matter of 1 1/2 weeks:
"You're just not my type and I really did like you, it's just things change when you get to know someone. And that you shouldn't throw yourself at every guy that comes along. And I don't wanna make this hard on you cause I know you're going through a difficult time. With the new school and your parents splitting. But I don't want us to stop talking and things be hostile between us."
"...I just thought you rushed it too fast. You're just not the girl I'm looking for. Nothing personal."
I won't forget the good times.
It's time to move on, I guess.
Saturday, January 10, 2009
i'm not gonna wait for you forever
Then maybe you'll know how it fucking feels.
Because I am fucking sick of guys doing this to me.
It seriously happens all the fucking time.
And I am done with it.
I'm done with guys like you.
Friday, January 9, 2009
the city sounds fade and disappear
you'll think of me
My mom was out till like 3am last night, 'cause she drank too much. After she told me she'd be home at midnight. So I told her that 3am was my new curfew, and I said "watch me, I'll stay out till 3, you just watch, Mom." Hahaha. She just gave me this smile. I love her.
I didn't even go out last night. I was soooo tired. I fell asleep on the couch. Earlier last night though, like at 8 something, Justin and Kyle came over and we just kinda chilled and talked for a bit. Then they left 'cause Justin had to be home by 9, and I made mac & cheese and finished watcing One Tree Hill.
I am not excited to write this response paper. But I refuse to put it off till the last minute. Mrs. Birckhead better let me into the Body Fitness Lab! It would help me and my family out.
Thursday, January 8, 2009
let me love you, let me want you
Clinton and Kegan picked me up at like 8am this morning and we went to Burger King. I was wearing my jammies inside. It was nice, and afterwards Clinton walked me inside my house and we kissed goodbye. But it didn't feel right like it used to. I know I held back, and didn't kiss him the way I normally would. "He's just not that into
I need to go read like 50-something pages in The Jungle, since I never do my homework at night anymore. But before I do that, I'm gonna get ready for the most part. That way it doesn't take me forever later. Today, Tiffany is picking me up earlier than usual and we are going to visit our old T.A.P. (Troubadour Advisory Program) class at Santa Su! I am so excited to see Bobbi, Kyle, and Mrs. Hazlewood. It shall be delightful.
Mrs. Bitchhead better let me into Astronomy. I will be so angry if she doesn't.
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
I can't believe he gets out in two days. This is so surreal. Not like I'm gonna see him or anything, especially after what happened. I hope he can forgive me for spilling our secret.
Sunday, January 4, 2009
there's a certain something when it's me and you
Maybe it's not meant to be. Maybe it is. But I'm going to sit here and I'm going to find out. You are immature if you are ignoring me. All I even want to know is that you like me or you don't. Are you still up for the adventure, or did you lose interest like every other guy that has been down this road with me? Whatever it is, I just need you to tell me straight to my face. Or at least over the phone or a MySpace message or SOMETHING. Something instead of this ignorant bullshit. I'm so fed up with guys that pull this crap.
Friday, January 2, 2009
he's got the motive, but no transportation
greedy greedy me
I want to let things be, and forget about the past.
I want to stop caring so much.
I want this to be my New Year's resolution.
But whenever I make an actual New Year's resolution, they never come true!
And the one thing I don't want, is for my resolution to not come true.
What do I do?!
Thursday, January 1, 2009
Happy New Year!
So I'm almost positive I freaked out over nothing the other day. Because I think there are two Clintons in Simi. Isn't that terrific? So now I made drama that I didn't even need! Thanks, friend. Ugh. Whatever. Life goes on, right? It's a new year! Let's turn over a new leaf. Shall we?
I want to write an extremely deep blog right now but I'm sooo tired.
Captain Morgan (can you believe it?!), Bacardi Grandmelon, and Bud Light.
Haven't been that drunk in a while.
This year better be a good one. "Or what?" Or nothing. I'm just greedy :]